MA798A: Introduction to the Immersed Boundry/Interface Methods, Spring 2011

Instructor:  Dr. Zhilin Li                                         Time: TBA
Office:  SAS3148, Tel: 515-3210
Office hours:  T TH: 1:00-2:30pm
eE-mail:  <click to e-mail >


Course Description:

Many application problems leads to partial differential equations (PDE) in which analytic solutions are rarely available or too complicated. The rapid development of modern computers has made it possible to solve many important application problems numerically. Numerically simulations, on the other hand, provide useful, sometimes vital information, to better understand the original problem in terms of modeling, optimization, and theoretical study.

This course is designed to cover materials that are not covered in other numerical analysis courses. Particularly, the applications include problems in fluid mechanics, electro-magnetics, mathematics biology, image processing, and inverse problems. These problems may involve irregular domains, phase
changes, discontinuities in physical parameters, free boundary and moving interface problems. We will discuss how to use simple finite difference/finite element methods based on simple grid structure, like Cartesian grids to solve the application problems efficiently.

Some state of the art techniques such as harmonic averaging, smoothing method, Peskin's immersed boundary method, the immersed interface method, and the level set methods will be covered in this course. Most of these methods are simple to implement but powerful to solve some important problems. We will explain these methods with applications.

A reasonable background in linear algebra, numerical analysis, partial differential equations, and finite difference methods.
Text: References:
  • Notes from the instructor, and references from the literature. Below are some important ones:
  • Level Set Methods and Dynamic Implicit Surfaces, S. Osher and R. Fedkiw, Springer Press, 2002.
  • Level Set Methods and Fast Marching methods, J. Sethian, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Ed., 1999
  • The immersed boundary method, C. S. Peskin, Acta Numerica, 1-39, 2002.
  • Beyer_LeVeque
  • Peskin_Review
  • WENO and Level Set Method (G-S Jiang & D. Peng, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 2126-2143, 2000)
  • Grading:

    There may be some suggested homework assignments or computer labs. Each participant select a project of his/her own interest (can from the literature as well) and present it to the entire class at or near the end of the semester. Class participation is strongly encouraged.

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