MA/CSC 580-002: Numerical Analysis I

Fall Semester, 2019,

Goals and Objectives:

This course is designed for graduate students majoring in mathematics. The course covers most of materials in numerical linear algebra.  We will address issues of algorithm development, implementation, applications and validations, and available software packages. Main topics include:  error analysis including round-off errors, direct and iterative methods for solving system of linear equations,  least squares solutions, eigenvalues problem, singular value decomposition, and non-linear system of equations.
Textbook: e-Books at NCSU: 
A reasonable background in calculus, linear algebra. Some programming experiences are helpful, but not essential.


Homework  (analytic part and computer projects):  65%;  A Take-Home Test: 35%.
Class participation:        + or -    3% (excessive absences will affect the grade linearly)


Matlab  will be used for instructions and is recommended for homework. However,  you can use Python, C, C++, Fortran, or other computer language and software packages as well.

Materials (click to see more details):

  • Introduction,  round off errors & how to reduce them, vector and matrix norms, condition numbers.
  • Direct methods for linear systems,  pivoting, LU, LL' decomposition, special matrices.
  • Iterative methods for linear systems, Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, SOR, spectral radius,  Krylov methods, CG and PCG, GMRES.
  • Iterative methods for non-linear systems, Newton method and variations, Broyden method.
  • Eigenvalue problems,  eigenvalues estimation, Power and shifted Power method, orthogonal transformation, QR algorithm, least squares solution, SVD decomposition.

  • Other References:

  • Iterative Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Equations, C.T. Kelley, SIAM
  • Numerical Analysis, Fifth Edition,  R. L. Burden and J. D. Faires, PWS-Kent Publishing Company, (under-graduate textbook)
  • Numerical Matrix Analysis, I. Ipsen, SIAM.
  • Matrix Computations, G. Golub and C. F Van Loan, John Hopkins

  • Computing Resources:


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    H: Holiday, V: Vacation(No class);  L: Last day of instruction
    M: Midterm Exam; F: